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TCM1.5吨叉车专用蓄电池组48V5PZS400L TCM叉车48V叉车电瓶型号

发布时间:2023-11-20        浏览次数:15        返回列表
TCM1.5吨叉车专用蓄电池组48V5PZS400L TCM叉车48V叉车电瓶型号

TCM叉车电池48V400Ah,5PZS400是日本TCM叉车2吨电动平衡重叉车电池型号,深循环动力性能1200次,使用寿命达4年,贝朗斯牌牵引蓄电池实行全系列配套,具有少维护、失水少、容量达标等特征,TCM叉车蓄电池性价比比较高,虽国内制造,但工艺完全采用日本JIS标准设计,符合TCM电动叉车安装标准,叉车电池在使用过程中具有失水少,维护 周期短,长时间平稳放电等良好的操控特性;在充电过程中,容量容易达到饱和状态,这一可比性,改善以往一车两组电瓶囧态,良好的深放电恢复性能,贮存期较 长,降低了企业的运营成本。只有价廉物美的产品,才能俘获客户的心。“紧扣市场需求,依靠创新加快升级转型。 ”张德进介绍,公司正在打造“新品,精品”工程,提升客户满意度。

TCM forklift battery 72V560Ah, 7PZS560 is a Japanese TCM forklift 2 ton electric counterbalanced forklift battery model, with a deep cycle power performance of 1200 times and a service life of 4 years. The Brauns brand traction battery implements a full range of matching, with less maintenance and less water loss , The capacity is  up to the standard and other characteristics. TCM forklift batteries are relatively cost-effective. Although they are manufactured in China, the process is completely designed according to Japanese JIS standards and meets the TCM electric forklift installation standards. The forklift battery has less water loss during use and short maintenance periods. Good handling characteristics such as long-term and stable discharge; during the charging process, the capacity is easy to reach saturation. This comparability improves the embarrassment of two groups of batteries in a car in the past, good deep discharge recovery performance, longer storage period, and reduced The operating cost of the business. only cheap and good quality products can capture the hearts of customers. "Closely to market demand, rely on innovation to accelerate the upgrade and transformation." Zhang Dejin said that the company is creating a "new product, high-quality" project to improve customer satisfaction.


  • 地址:中国 广东 广州 白云区 夏花二路28号
  • 电话:020-86603123
  • 手机:13538843060
  • 传真:86 020 86202011
  • 联系人:陆灿成