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TCM叉车电池维修 TCM叉车电池品牌72V6PZS480

发布时间:2023-11-20        浏览次数:4        返回列表
TCM叉车电池维修 TCM叉车电池品牌72V6PZS480


TCM forklift battery 72V480Ah, 6PZS480 is a Japanese TCM forklift 2 ton electric counterbalanced forklift battery model, with a deep cycle power performance of 1200 times and a service life of 4 years. The Brauns brand traction battery implements a full range of matching, with less maintenance and less water loss , The capacity is up to the standard, etc. The TCM forklift battery is more cost-effective. Although it is made in China, the process is completely designed according to the Japanese JIS standard and meets the TCM electric forklift installation standards. If the battery room temperature is too high, the plate corrosion will increase and serious Sometimes the electrolyte can dry up, melt or even burst. When determining the relationship between battery life and temperature, a general rule of thumb is that when the average temperature exceeds 25°C, the battery life will be shortened by 50% for every 8.3°C increase. The general float voltage is set at 25°C, and the float voltage drops by 0.003V/cell for every 1°C increase.


  • 地址:中国 广东 广州 白云区 夏花二路28号
  • 电话:020-86603123
  • 手机:13538843060
  • 传真:86 020 86202011
  • 联系人:陆灿成